Tuesday, December 13, 2005


Issues Galore!

This one happened today evening. Sumanth comes over to Jaggy's cube with saying he had another issue.
Jaggy: How is it that you always come to me for issues?
Well...maybe Jaggy could keep a box of tissues in his cube. Then Sumanth could come over for both issues and tissues.


If Jaggy keeps tissues in his cube then Sumanth will come to his cube for tissues or issues.
Taking issues out common we get
issues(t or 1)
= issues.
So, even if Jaggy keeps a box of tissues in his cube, Sumanth will come to his cube effectively for issues only !!
What if Sumanth comes for both tissues and issues? Then the logic does not hold true right?
In that case he will be coming only for tissues (1 and t = t)
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