Thursday, December 08, 2005



Teju told me that the Indian Airlines was renamed to Indian.
We were contemplating how weird it would be using the name.
Raj mentioned that even Swiss airways had it !!

The bad PJ starts now:
If you are flying in some airlines and the swiss one is flying next to you,
you would be sleeping next to the swiss (given that you are sleeping in ur airlines of course)


For that matter if you are sleeping besides a parked swiss aeroplane also you can make a statement
"I was sleeping next to a swiss"
It is just more fun if you are flying. Why the hell would you sleep next to a parked swiss anyway?
going by that logic, if i were to say that i am an indian, does that make me an aeroplane?
No, if you are an Indian...then you are the company Indian Airlines !!
by the way, i wonder if anyone understood what jitha was trying to say? the original post i mean.
This joke can be classified as a head-banger. Please include statutory warnings and comments before a head-banger, otherwise unsuspecting people may actually expire on reading.
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When is the expiry date?
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